Sunday, October 24, 2010

Cardiovascular General Health Tips

Cardiovascular/Pulmonary Essentials: Applying the Preferred Physical Therapist Practice Patterns(SM) (Essentials in Physical Therapy)Cardiovascular General Health Tips

Alcohol Consumption and the Heart
Heavy alcohol consumption is associated with cardiovascular diseases such as cardiomyopathy, hypertension, arrhythmias, and stroke.

Aspirin After a Heart Attack

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cancer Tips

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work (Second Edition)With CDGeneral Cancer Information

Alcohol Consumption
Chronic heavy drinking has been linked to an increased risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, liver, pancreas and rectum. Consuming as little as three ounces of hard liquor every day for several years can cause damage.

Aspirin Linked to Reduced Lung Cancer Risk
Aspirin has already risen from the ranks of a mere pain reliever to become a highly valued heart attack and stroke prevention tool, and now researchers say preventing lung cancer may be added to its list of benefits.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brain Tumors Tips

Brain Tumor Awareness Ribbon Coffee MugWhat is a brain tumor?  
A brain tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue in which the cells grow and multiply without restraint, apparently unregulated by the mechanisms that control normal cells. One factor that distinguishes brain tumors from other tumors is that they arise in the skull, an organ encased by bone, and there is very little room for expansion with the skull. They are also among the few types of tumors that generally do not tend to metastasize or spread to other parts of the body.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

High Blood Pressure Tips

Tips to help you control your high blood pressure

Make sure your blood pressure is under 140/90 mm Hg

If your systolic pressure is over 140, ask your doctor what you can do to lower it.Ask a Doctor Now.

If you have diabetes it is even more important to maintain your blood pressure at an acceptable level, which reduces long-term complications associated with this disease process. You should be receiving regular monitoring and advice from you GP/diabetic practitioner.

Aim for a healthy weight
Ideally try not to gain extra weight in the first place, if you have then try to lose the weight slowly, at about half to one pound a week until you reach a healthy target. This can be easier to achieve if you include exercise as well to burn off those unwanted calories and tone your body as you lose the weight.

Bipolar Tips

Bipolar disorder explained

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder is the name used to describe a set of 'mood swing' conditions, the most severe form of which used to be called 'manic depression'.

Bipolar Disorder I is the more severe disorder - with individuals being more likely to experience mania , have longer 'highs', be more likely to have psychotic experiences and be more likely to be hospitalized.
Bipolar Disorder II is less severe, with no psychotic experiences, and with episodes tending to last only hours to a few days.
The high moods are called mania or hypomania and the low mood is called depression.
It is important to note that everyone has mood swings from time to time. It is only when these moods become extreme and interfere with personal and professional life that Bipolar Disorder may be present and medical assessment may be warranted.

Bilharzia Tips

Bilharzia Prevention Tips
The Integration of Schistosomiasis
Since 1996, The Carter Center has been working with the national River Blindness Program developing a community distribution network in country to distribute the drug Mectizan® in parts of Nigeria. In 1998 the program began investigating the idea of targeting additional diseases through the same distribution channel, an approach that had never been done before.

Soon after the investigation started lymphatic filariasis was found to be preventable when Mectizan treatment was combined with the drug albendazole. By March 2000, communities in the Plateau and Nasarawa states, endemic for both river blindness and lymphatic filariasis, were being treated with the combined drug therapy. Simultaneously, the Center's groundbreaking approach was discovering that schistosomiasis control could be integrated too. That same year, urinary schistosomiasis was added, and today approximately 300 villages that receive the drug praziquantel also receive albendazole and Mectizan.

Transmission of Schistosomiasis

Beriberi Tips

Beriberi Info
What is Beriberi?
Beriberi is a vitamin deficiency disease caused by inadequate bodily stores of thiamine (vitamin B-1). It can damage the heart and nervous system.

Alternative Names:
Thiamine deficiency; Vitamin B1 deficiency
Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
There are two major manifestations of thiamine deficiency: cardiovascular disease (wet beriberi) and nervous system disease ("dry beriberi" and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome). Dry beriberi is somewhat of a misnomer because both types are most often caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
Symptoms of dry beriberi include pain, tingling, or loss of sensation in hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy), muscle wasting with loss of function or paralysis of the lower extremities, and potentially brain damage and death.
Wet beriberi is characterized by swelling (edema), increased heart rate (tachycardia), lung congestion, and enlarged heart related to congestive heart failure.
Beriberi has become very rare in the United States because most foods are now vitamin-enriched, which means that a normal diet contains adequate amounts of thiamine.
As a result, beriberi now occurs primarily in patients who abuse alcohol, because drinking heavily can lead to malnutrition and poor absorption and storage of thiamine. This is the cause of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is alcohol-related brain damage affecting language and thinking.

Bedwetting Tips

Bedwetting Info
Most Bed-wetters Inherited Small Bladders
Bed-wetting, or Enuresis, is the involuntary passage of urine during sleep. "It is considered normal until a child is at least six years of age," explains Kent Amstutz, D.O., a pediatrician with Boys Town Pediatrics.

An inherited small bladder is the cause of bed-wetting for most children. "Their bladder is so small that it cannot hold the urine their bodies produce throughout the night," says Dr. Amstutz. "Although their kidneys are normal, they sleep so deeply that the signal of a full bladder does not wake them."
Enuresis is not caused by emotional problems, says Dr. Amstutz, however they can be created if the situation is mishandled. "Bed-wetting causes guilt and embarrassment in most children. Parents should create a supportive environment, encouraging their child to overcome his or her problem." suggests Amstutz. "Punishment or pressure to stop having accidents in the night often creates secondary emotional problems and causes the child to take even longer to overcome bed-wetting."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Ask a Doctor Online Now

Healthy Kids Nutrition Game

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back Pain Tips

What makes up the spine?The lower spine consists of five bones, called the lumbar vertebrae. The vertebrae support the body and protect the spinal core and nerves. Between each vertebra is a disk filled with a jelly-like material. The disks act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae. Along the spine are many nerves. Injury to these nerves can cause pain.

What can cause low back injuries?
Many things can cause low back injuries - muscle strain or spasm, sprains of ligaments (which attach bone to bone), joint problems or a "slipped disk." The most common cause of low back pain is using your back muscles in activities you're not used to, like lifting heavy furniture, playing basketball or doing yard work.
A slipped disk happens when the disk between the bones bulges and presses on nerves. This is often caused by twisting while lifting. But many people won't know what caused their slipped disk.
Back pain can also follow normal activities such as bending over the sink to brush your teeth. Back pain may be made worse by stress, long periods of inactivity or being in an unusual position for a long time.
Call your doctor if Pain goes down your leg below your knee.


AIDS Tips for TeensAIDS is a condition caused by a virus called HIV that attacks a person's immune system, making it defenseless against diseases and infections. The full medical name for AIDS is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and the virus is called the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

HIV is transmitted through all forms of unprotected sexual intercourse, i.e., vaginal, anal or oral sex without the proper use of a latex condom, and through sharing needles or syringes with someone who is infected with HIV. Because HIV can "hide" in the body for 10 years or more before it shows up as AIDS, you must never assume that just because you cannot "see" it in a person, it is not there!
Ask a Doctor Now.

Asthma Tips

Asthma Information
Caffeine and Asthma
If you feel an asthma attack coming on and don't have your inhaler handy, try a couple cups of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or chocolate bars. The caffeine will help open your airways.

Controlling Your Asthma
If you find yourself using your quick-relief inhaler to stop an asthma attack more than twice a week, it may be time for a different medication. In fact, if you have to refill your inhaler more than two times a year or are awakened by asthma symptoms two nights or more per week, you also probably need a change.

Correct Inhaler Use
If you use an inhaler to treat your asthma, remember that it's not a breath freshener. You must deeply inhale the medication into your lungs and hold it for three to five seconds before exhaling slowly.

NSAIDs, Aspirin and Asthma
Asthma sufferers should use the non-aspirin pain reliever acetaminophen (Tylenol) because the use of aspirin and NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), such as Advil/Motrin (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen sodium), have the tendency to worsen asthma.

Ask a Doctor Now.

Arthritis Tips

Arthritis Info
Arthritis ('arth' meaning joint, 'itis' meaning inflammation) isn't a one-note story or even a few variations on a single theme; it actually consists of more than 100 different conditions.

These can be anything from relatively mild forms of tendinitis (as in 'tennis elbow') and bursitis to crippling systemic forms, such as rheumatoid arthritis. There are pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and arthritis-related disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, that involve every part of the body. There are forms of the disease, such as gout that almost nobody connects with arthritis and there are other conditions - like osteoarthritis, the misnamed 'wear and tear' arthritis - that a good many people think is the only form of the disease.

True, many older people do have arthritis,

Tip of the day

Anxiety Prevention Tips

Everybody knows what it's like to feel anxious " the butterflies in your stomach before a first date, the tension you feel when your boss is angry, the way your heart pounds if you're in danger. Anxiety rouses you to action. It gears you up to face a threatening situation. It makes you study harder for that exam, and keeps you on your toes when you're making a speech. In general, it helps you cope.

Anxiety Info

But if you have an anxiety disorder, this normally helpful emotion can do just the opposite it can keep you from coping and can disrupt your daily life. Anxiety disorders aren't just a case of "nerves." They are illnesses, often related to the biological makeup and life experiences of the individual, and they frequently run in families. There are several types of anxiety disorders, each with its own distinct features.
An anxiety disorder may make you feel anxious most of the time, without any apparent reason. Or the anxious feelings may be so uncomfortable that to avoid them you may stop some everyday activities. Or you may have occasional bouts of anxiety so intense they terrify and immobilize you.

Allergy Prevention Tips

Air Conditioning and Allergies
To help alleviate problems with pollen, molds and dust mites, air condition your house and car and, if possible, add an air cleaner to your central air conditioner.

Anaphylactic Shock
Anaphylactic shock, the most severe allergic reaction, is most commonly associated with bee or fire ant stings. If welts (hives) erupt following a sting, this is a warning flag to seek prompt medical attention.

Attic Fans
Don't use your attic fan during allergy season. The fan sucks pollen into the house.

Avoid Dyes
Avoid dyes, especially the ones in toilet paper. Use white to wipe.

Bedding and Dust Mites
If dust mites give you trouble, seal your mattress, box springs and pillows in allergy-resistant plastic covers available at most discount stores.

Health Tips

These Health tips and tricks can help you maintain your health, speed up your morning routine, or pamper yourself in new ways.